
Studia Hercynia publishes papers on the archaeology and material culture of Classical Antiquity and its neighbouring cultures, on relations between the Mediterranean and Central Europe, on the traditions of ancient art in European culture, and other related phenomena.

  • Articles longer than 115.000 characters might be accepted, but only after discussion with the executive editors in advance.
  • The ‘citation index of ICAR’ and the author guidelines must be followed strictly, otherwise the paper will be returned to the author for correction.
  • Proofreading is responsibility of each author; no language correction is provided by the Editors.
  • Each manuscript (not applying to the excavation reports) will be sent to two referees who may suggest minor or major changes, or even reject the manuscript – see the Review Process description
  • Each author will receive a PDF file with their own contribution and a free copy of the volume in which the contribution appears.


The deadline for submitting contributions is:
January 31st (for the summer issue)
June 30th (for the winter issue)

The articles should be sent to:


Author Guidelines

Complete author guidelines are to be followed strictly.



For references use the citation system of the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the Charles University in Prague.


Journal Abbreviations

In the text use AJA abbreviations.

Illustrative Examples of Standard License Agreements (the final agreement intended for signing shall always be provided by the editorial board):

​Czech Version
​English Version
​License agreement, license granted free of charge
  lic_nezam_bezupl_v12-1_CZ.docx​ lic_nezam_bezupl_v11-1_EN.docx
​​License agreement, license granted in exchange for a license fee
lic_nezam_upl_v11-1_CZ.docx lic_nezam_upl_v11_EN.docx

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