Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Studia Hercynia is an academic journal published by the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University and its aim is to be a publication platform for Classical Archaeology in its broadest sense. To provide our readers with a journal of highest quality, it is guided by the principles of Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement. The rules of publication ethics and malpractice statement are in line with COPE general guidelines and are binding to all parties participating in the publication of the journal.


Our journal abides by the following rules:

maintenance of the integrity of academic record. This is ensured by strict editorial and peer-reviewing policies (see below) and by constant cooperation with academics on the Editorial Board and the guest-editors (co-editors) of thematic issues. The Editors are committed to revealing and pursuing any cases of academic misconduct and retracting fraudulent articles, procedures and items of information. Revealed acts of misconduct and malpractice are reported to the author’s employer and/or research-funding institution.

  • priority of intellectual and academic standards before business needs. This is achieved and maintained by financing the journal from available research grants and constant search for new grant resources. Neither editorial decisions, nor peer-reviewing process are influenced by the business needs of the journal. The funding sources of the journal and individual articles are publicized in the specific issues as well as on the journal’s website.
  • constant cooperation with readers. This involves the encouragement of academic debate, acceptance, assessment and implementation of their proposals and publication of corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies. All authors and issue editors are obliged to respond to reader’s questions and comments (their e-mail addresses are listed – with their informed consent – in the Contributors section of each issue). The Editors are ready to encourage academic debate by providing space for cogent criticism of published articles and answers of their authors.
  • obligation to respond to authors’ complaints against editorial or peer-reviewing procedures and to follow the Code of Conduct publicized by The Committee on Publication Ethics.
  • rules for managing conflicts of interest. Any existing or potential conflict of interest on the part of authors, peer-reviewers or members of the Editorial or Advisory Board must be declared to the journal Editors, who are responsible for its resolution. The responsibility for the resolution of any conflicts of interest on the part of the Editors pertains to the statutory representative of the publisher, i.e. the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.


Authors’ responsibility:

– the Authors assume full responsibility for the originality of their work as well as for the factual correctness of the presented information and for all the opinions they express

– the Authors must make sure that they properly and fully cite all sources they draw upon

– the Authors assume full responsibility for presenting archaeological material which is either published or for whose publication they were granted permission by the institution in which the objects are kept; in both cases, all necessary legal procedures of any country involved have to be duly followed

– the Authors assume full responsibility for publishing photographs and drawings in accordance with the copyright laws in force in any country involved

– the Authors commit not to present for publication a manuscript, which they have already published or which is in print elsewhere

-the Authors must notify the editors should they be aware of any potential conflict of interest


Editors’ responsibility:

– the Editors decide in collaboration with the Editorial board which of the papers submitted to Studia Hercynia shall be published based exclusively on their academic qualities, the periodical’s profile and publishing strategy, and with regard to the Publication Ethics

– the Editors must ensure, that all information related to the manuscripts is kept confidential as appropriate to the relevant stage of the editorial process

– the Editors ensure that each manuscript with the potential to be published shall be impartially peer reviewed by at least two scholarly Reviewers

– the Editors shall inform the Editoral board about any potential conflict of interest

– the Editors must take appropriate action in the case of any suspected malpractice


Reviewers’ responsibilities:

– the Reviewers must evaluate the manuscript objectively, based exclusively on its academic qualities and with regard to publication ethics

– the Reviewers must keep all information concerning the manuscript fully confidential

– the Reviewers must inform the Editors about any potential conflict of interest

– the Reviewers must inform the Editors about any suspicion of malpractice

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